润滑剂 , 润滑油 , 固体润滑剂 , 高纯度二硫化钼 , EVERLUBE
MultiTherm FF-1 Flushing Fluid

传热系统启动的逻辑 步!

MultiTherm FF-1® 冲洗液用于传热流体系统的启动或一般维护。 在新设备启动期间,去除残留在管线和设备中的松散材料(如焊缝飞溅物、细粉、颗粒物等)以及油和一些防腐涂层是一种经济的方法。 它可用于一般维护目的,用于在重新填充或从一种流体转换为另一种流体之前从系统中去除颗粒物质和使用过的传热流体。

MultiTherm FF-1® 冲洗液的配方与 MultiTherm® 和大多数其他传热流体兼容,因此设备中残留的少量残留不会成为问题。The Logical First Step in Heat Transfer System Start-Up!

MultiTherm FF-1® flushing fluid is for use in start-up or general maintenance of heat transfer fluid systems. During new equipment start-up, it is an economical way to remove loose material such as weld splatter, fines, particulate matter, etc. left in lines and equipment, along with oil and some preservative coatings. It is useful for general maintenance purposes for removing particulate matter and used heat transfer fluid from a system prior to recharge or changeover from one fluid to another.

MultiTherm FF-1® flushing fluid is formulated to be compatible with MultiTherm® and most other heat transfer fluids so that small residual amounts left in equipment will not be a problem.

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