润滑剂 , 润滑油 , 固体润滑剂 , 高纯度二硫化钼 , EVERLUBE

ECO-704 扩散泵硅油is a colorless, single component silicone-based fluid for diffusion pumps. It offers an impressive pump-down and is suitable for higher ultimate vacuums of 10E-6 to 10E-8 (untrapped) or 10E-10 to 10E-11 (trapped). It is very durable and can withstand tough conditions even if it gets exposed to air during operation. The ECO-704 is an improved formulas based on Dow Corning's DC-704 diffusion pump oil offering even higher performance and service life.

Additionally, ECO-704 is a highly durable formula that is thermally and chemically stable keeping your diffusion pump clean and free from carbon and tar buildup. As our best selling line of diffusion pump oils, ECO-704 offers excellent resistance to oxidation, radiation, and explosion and maintains relatively high boiler pressure and throughput.

As the most trusted alternative for Dow Corning DC-704 diffusion pump oil in the United States, ECO-704 is suitable for the aerospace and electronic industries, metallurgical and research needs, various special vacuum coating applications, and much more.

*Next day shipping is available only when orders are placed before 12PM EST.

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