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HYLOMAR® PL32H (Heavy) Aerograde Blue MSRR 9055 Spec Gasket

Create custom seals where you need them the most with Hylomar® PL32H Aerograde Blue MSRR 9055 Gasket Sealant from SkyGeek. The high-performance sealant is expressed as a gel, but quickly cures to a rubber-like consistency that's great at stopping leaks and forming airtight seals. The gasketing compound is sold in a 3.52-ounce tube and works at temperatures ranging from -50°C up to + 250°C. Originally designed for Rolls Royce, the compound is now used throughout the aerospace industry to seal jet engine components. Hylomar® PL32H Aerograde Blue MSRR 9055 Gasket Sealant is available with a manufacturer's certification if needed.

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