风干型二硫化钼 Lubri-Bond K
Lubri-Bond K是风干型二硫化钼基固体润滑薄膜与环氧粘合剂体系。这种涂层 提供了较低的摩擦系数,并且在更高的承载应用中表现。适合不需要热固化涂料。Lubri-Bond K是也是一个很好的触摸式 润滑油,用于我们的许多热固化的产品。
Lubri-Bond K is an air drying, MoS2 based solid film lubricant with an epoxy binder system. This coating provides a low coefficient of friction, and performs best in higher load carrying applications. It is ideal for applications that do not require a thermally cured coating. Lubri-Bond K is also an excellent touch-up
Lubri-Bond K is an air drying, MoS2 based solid film lubricant with an epoxy binder system. This coating provides a low coefficient of friction, and performs best in higher load carrying applications. It is ideal for applications that do not require a thermally cured coating.