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Alseal 220I

更新时间:2024-09-26 08:03:00

Alseal 220I is a single-component, chromefreecoating composition formulated for protecting ferrous alloys from both high temperature heat oxidation and at the same

time offer sacrificial (cathodic) protection to the base metal. Because of its high temperature capabilities, it offers excellent

protection when exposed to cyclic high temperature and corrosive salt environments, continuing to provide sacrificial properties at

temperatures to 1150°F. Although an inorganic coating, it combines thermal stability, excellent adhesion and hardness, along with good flexibility... a property not found in most inorganic coatings. As mentioned above it offers salt corrosive protection to 1150°F. At about 1200°F. the aluminum oxidizes to a point where it no longer provides its excellent sacrificial

properties, however, it will continue to offer excellent heat oxidation continuously to 1600°F. Further, the coating formed from Alseal 220I composition offers superb thermal shock 1600°F。


  • 地址:上海市松江区金高路2388号813室
  • 邮编:200120
  • 电话:86-021-20228098
  • 销售经理:张婕
  • 手机:13391171050
  • 传真:86-021-51685756
  • QQ:616787719
  • Email:shenlaichun@qq.com