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Easy-Flo Flux Powder

更新时间:2025-01-31 08:03:00
联系手机: 13391171050

Easy-flo Flux Powder is very fluid at the bottom end of its working range resulting in early and extensive flux spread. This ensures that the joint surfaces are well protected from oxidation at the earliest possible point of the brazing operation.

Data Sheets

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Product Properties

Pack Size

500gm Pot



Manufacturer Name

Johnson Matthey


Rolls Royce Spec

MSRR 9500

Please Note: Specifications and approvals are subject to change at any time. Users should always consult their AMM or the OEM when selecting products to ensure items have the release needed. Only specifications listed on the order confirmation will be certified on the Silmid CofC.

Product Information

Easy-flo Flux Powder is Johnson Mattheys leading brand brazing flux. It is sold widely throughout the world and is recognised as one of the best flux powders available. It is very fluid at the bottom end of its working range resulting in early and extensive flux spread. This ensures that the joint surfaces are well protected from oxidation at the earliest possible joint of the brazing operation. This high level of fluidity also helps to reduce flux voids / entrapment in the joint, the low viscosity of the flux aiding its displacement by the brazing filler metal from the joint gap.

Easy-flo Flux Powder has a working range of 550-800°C. It is suitable for use with silver brazing filler metals melting below 750°C (such as Silver-flo, Easy-flo and Argo-braze filler metals).Easy-flo Flux Powder can be used on all of the common engineering materials (copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel), but not aluminium. JM special purpose fluxes are required when brazing aluminium bronze, certain grades of stainless steel, tungsten, molybdenum and tungsten carbide or where protracted heating is involved.

Easy-flo Flux Powder has excellent hot rodding characteristics and adheres well to a warmed brazing rod allowing flux to be transferred to the joint area via the rod. This characteristic has made Easy-flo Flux Powder very popular in hand brazing operations where the time to produce a brazed component is crucial.


  • Working range of 550°C - 800 °C

  • Classified as FH10 to EN1045

  • Ideal for use with silver brazing filler metals such as Silver-flo 55 and Silver-flo 40

  • Excellent hot rodding characteristics


  • 地址:上海市松江区金高路2388号813室
  • 邮编:200120
  • 电话:86-021-20228098
  • 销售经理:张婕
  • 手机:13391171050
  • 传真:86-021-51685756
  • QQ:616787719
  • Email:shenlaichun@qq.com