Cop-Graf™石墨和铜基防卡剂 is a top-quality anti-seize compound composed of pure copper and graphite in a high-heat-resistant carrier. It is designed to lubricate and protect threaded connections and flanges at temperatures to 1800°F (982°C) and under extreme load pressure conditions. Cop-Graf has water-resistant and anti-oxidant properties, does not separate and is formulated to withstand lenghty service and serve conditions. Stress, strain, and time to disassemble are greatly diminished. Meets the performance requirements of MIL-PRF-907F specifications.
Applications : All nuts and bolts, bushings, centers, cam rollers, conveyors, couplings, dies, drills, fittings, flanges, gears, keyways, motors, press fits, pumps, shafts, sleeves, slides, spark plugs, taps, valves, wristpins, and more. They are used in steel mills, foundries, oil refineries, chemical plants, construction and farm equipment, autos, trucks (fleet maintenance), electric power and other utilities, oil drilling, mining, diesel and gasoline engines, marine motors, shipyards, paper mills, and machine shops.