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Krytox™ fluorinated oils, Krytox 157 FS lubricant

更新时间:2025-01-18 08:03:00
杜邦:Krytox 157
联系手机: 13391171050

DUPONT Krytox 157FSH 产品能够提供完美的低挥发性特点,确保润滑剂产品的经久耐用。基础油的粘度指数高,能在更宽温度范围之内提供有效的润滑。该产品具有所有Krytox润滑剂产品所共有的优异的化学与热稳定性,并且在氧气及其他苛刻的环境中不可燃,使用安全。Highly Effective in Surface Pretreatments

Krytox 157 FSH Oil is a functionalized version of the DuPont series of Krytox fluorinated oils that acts as a surfactant. The functionality is a carboxylic acid group located on the terminal fluoromethylene group of poly(hexafluoropropylene oxide). Krytox 157 FSH is available in two relatively broad molecular weight ranges designated as low and high with the following typical properties. Like the other Krytox fluorinated oils, Krytox 157 FSH is insoluble in most common organic solvents. It is also nonflammable. Decarboxylation occurs on heating above about 170 °C (338 °F) and becomes vigorous at 200 °C (392 °F). The product formed appears to be a mixture, but is mainly a hydro-end-capped version of Krytox fluorinated oil. The decarboxylation of its alkali metal salts in the presence of water occurs at lower temperatures and yields essentially pure polymers end-capped with hydrogen.在表面预处理中非常有效

Krytox 157 FSH 油是作为表面活性剂的杜邦系列 Krytox 氟化油的功能化版本。该官能团是位于聚(六氟环氧丙烷)末端氟亚甲基上的羧酸基团。 Krytox 157 FSH 有两个相对较宽的分子量范围,分别指定为低和高,具有以下典型特性。与其他 Krytox 氟化油一样,Krytox 157 FSH 不溶于大多数常见的有机溶剂。它也是不可燃的。加热到约 170 °C (338 °F) 以上时会发生脱羧,并在 200 °C (392 °F) 时变得剧烈。形成的产品似乎是一种混合物,但主要是一种加氢封端的 Krytox 氟化油。

Why Use Krytox 157 FSH Oil?

Krytox 157 FSH oil has been effective in surface pretreatment of magnetic recording discs prior to the application of a Krytox fluorinated lubricant. It is postulated that the surfactant is more rigidly attached on the surface through its functional group and that its fluoroalkylether tail attracts the identical molecular structure of Krytox fluorinated oil, resulting in more tenacious surface adhesion of this lubricant. 



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  • 邮编:200120
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  • 销售经理:张婕
  • 手机:13391171050
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  • Email:shenlaichun@qq.com