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Sylgard 184 PDMS聚二甲基硅氧烷

更新时间:2024-09-07 08:03:00

Sylgard 184, a Dow Corning Corporation product, is a silicone elastomer kit. The kit contains two chemicals: Base (part A) and Curing Agent (part B), that are mixed in 10:1 mass ratio. Both the chemicals are transparent, but quite viscous in nature. Please don't use pipettes to draw the chemicals as they are pretty thick. Also, wear gloves when handling these chemicals.

Click here to purchase Sylgard 184

The Base (part A) contains the followings:
  1. Dimethyl siloxane, dimethylivinyl terminated - 68083-19-2

  2. Dimethylvinylated and trimethylated silica - 68988-89-6

  3. Tetra (trimethoxysiloxy) silane - 3555-47-3

  4. Ethyl benzene - 100-41-4

VOC content: 8 grams/liter

The Curing Agent (part B) contains the followings:
  1. Dimethyl, methylhydrogen siloxane - 68037-59-2

  2. Dimethyl siloxane, dimethylvinyl terminated - 68083-19-2

  3. Tetramethyl tetravinyl cyclotetra siloxane - 2554-06-5

Maximum VOC content including water: 85 grams/liter


  • 地址:上海市松江区金高路2388号813室
  • 邮编:200120
  • 电话:86-021-20228098
  • 销售经理:张婕
  • 手机:13391171050
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  • QQ:616787719
  • Email:shenlaichun@qq.com